Wednesday 20 June 2018

Electric vehicle charging: Everything you need to know

Electric vehicles are considered to be the future of motoring. Well, that’s true! But the main reason holding it back is the lack of electric vehicle charging stations. You can’t just plug in your car anywhere and get going. Well, this is one of the main reasons why people are not considering electric vehicles for their daily driving.

But with the advancement in technology and increase in demand for electric vehicles, these cars will definitely come into play. 

Here in this guide, we will be discussing some of the things you need to know about electric cars:

1. What is an electric car?

Being a plug-in electric automobile, an electric vehicle runs on charged battery.    

2. Types of electric cars?

The term Electric Vehicle (EV) is generally referred to three main types including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle(pHEV). 

3. How to charge an electric car?

Electric car charging is extremely easy and it can be done at every charging station. Most EV owners charge their electric cars at home, but what if you need to charge your EV when you’re out on a long drive. 

4. Where to charge an electric car?

You can charge your electric car at your home or any electric vehicle charging station. Well, you definitely need to worry about your battery running out. So, ensure to charge your car fully before going out.   

5. How long does it take to charge?

Charging time may vary from vehicle to vehicle and the amount of charge required. Well, it’s obvious that it requires more time than just filling your car with diesel or fuel. You need to charge your car till it gets 1005 charged so as to be on the safer side.

Well, if you’re willing to buy electric vehicle or EV charging equipment, then the hunt can prove out to be daunting for you. But doing a little research can definitely help. 

So, if you’re willing to buy advance electric vehicle charging solutions for your home, then SMART EV can turn out to be the right choice for you.

For more details and for placing your order, ensure to visit:

Thursday 31 May 2018

Hybrid Car Charger: How and where to charge your Hybrid cars?

People are still confused about hybrid cars being one and the same as electric cars. Both the vehicles have an electric engine alongside a rechargeable battery placed under the bonnet.  But the hybrid car possesses an additional engine in the form of a conventional fuel powered engine.

However, due to popular reference, hybrids cars are referred to as electric cars by many. The hybrid car charger for these modern vehicles plays an immensely important role in various models of the petrol-electric power-train cars.

A hybrid vehicle is generally able to charge on its own. The hybrid cars use the combination of electricity present in the batteries as well as the petrol in the tank propelling the car. In some cases, the petrol engine is fitted in the car for recharging.  In some other types of hybrid cars, petrol is used to move the wheels and an additional motor combination provide the electrical drive. 

Plug-in EV and Hybrid car chargers

Hybrids cars may be 'mild' hybrid. In these, a limited amount of electric power is used to move the wheels. These systems may be cheap but are not much useful in reducing emissions.

Other hybrid cars are known as plug-in hybrid cars. One can plug these cars to the national grid by means of a cable similar to the one used for an electric car. This is how the car’s battery would get charged.

It provides some cars electric-only range varying from 20 to 40 miles depending on different models. Not only this, the petrol emissions are reduced for long journeys. The cost per mile of the car is also lowered. When used properly, there is no such requirement to charge the car. 

On the other hand, plug-in chargers are highly useful for electric cars. Some of the electric cars can get half –charged in nearly 45 minutes. Many critics question the requirement of the huge amount of electrical supply required by electric cars. It can again indirectly put the burden on the carbon emissions on creating equivalent power from the national grid.

Thus, hybrid cars are being more highly preferred. Even though the energy of the petrol is used to charge the car, having the EV charger cable comes in handy. One can use it when the plug-in sockets are within reach.

You can look for high-quality hybrid car charger by logging onto Smart EV.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Electric Car Charger- An Effective Way to Charge Your Electric Vehicle

Fueling a car is different from charging a car. On the whole, charging an electric car is much convenient and easy. Since there are so many electric car chargers available, you just need to spend several minutes plugging in and you are ready to drive somewhere again.

Since the number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly, therefore car charging is becoming an important aspect of the car ownership. If you own an electric car, here is everything you need to know about electric car charger.

Different Types of EV Chargers

Basically, there are three major types of EV charging- rapid, fast and slow. Rapid chargers are capable of charging an electric vehicle upto 80% in around 30 minutes. Fast chargers typically charge an EV in 3-4 hours. On the other hand, slow chargers are best suited for overnight charging and take around 6-12 hours for charging an EV.

Where to Find Electric Charging Solutions?

An electric vehicle could be charged at home or via a public charging network. Charging an EV at home is a convenient and cost-effective way of recharging your vehicle. There are a number of companies that offer a fully installed charge point for a fixed price at your home. Depending on your needs, you can choose from rapid, fast and slow chargers.

On the other hand, public charging networks are widely available in all the regions making it easy for the EV owners to recharge their vehicles at an affordable price. Though the payment methods may vary, but the most networks require setting up an account first.

No matter you are an individual electric car owner, contractor, wholesaler or specifier, you can get solutions to all your problems by trusting the job with the companies offering best EV charging solutions. Such companies offer a range of products for all applications so that you can buy with confidence.

The professionals have a complete technical knowledge and can provide you services related to installing, back up, servicing and documentation using the latest technology.

Visit today!
If you are looking for advanced EV charging solutions, consult the experts of SmartEv. They offer a range of EV charging solutions suitable for residential, commercial, specifiers, contractors and wholesalers. Visit the website today to know more.